Trailer Wars: Bellingham’s Fake Movie Trailer Film Festival

We got your 10 year challenge right here!

It’s been two and a half years since Trailer Wars ended with its 50th edition. Since then, the great Trailer Warriors of Bellingham have lurked in the shadows with unrealized dreams of questionable feature films. To celebrate the birth of TW in April of 2009, Trailer Wars will return for one night only! This will function like any classic, weird edition of TW.

For the uninitiated, Trailer Wars challenges local creative types of all skill and experience levels to craft fake movie trailers based on a theme. The theme for this event will be UNREALIZED IDEAS. Our thinking is that TW lifers still have ideas left in the tank from the first 50 editions, while newcomers may have their own long-gestating ideas for a great movie. All will gather and choose a favorite trailer. The winner will receive nothing of value.

The process is: 1) Make it a movie trailer (no short films), 2) Make it NEW (no submitting your “other” project), 3) Make it under 3 minutes, 4) RSVP your trailer title and group name to, and 5) Bring it to the event on a playable DVD disc (no flash drives).

Looking for inspiration? View example trailers on our YouTube Channel